Greetings – Check out the new Green Books for May. We are up to our eyeballs in good stuff:
Turgon pulled out the big guns against that nasty critic from the New York Times! Check out the wonderful reader response in his Bookshelf.
• You will laugh your knickers off when you read Tookish’s Ticklers. New cartoons, jokes, and a fine Marx Brothers parody from Whistler.
• Anwyn is back, joining us for the mother-lode of all Q&A! We have a jaw-dropping 30 new articles, including:

• Our Special Guests include an amazing, in-depth look at the perils of modernity: “Where the Shadows Lie” and a thoughtful take on gender attitudes via Éowyn and Faramir: “Macho Men & Warrior Princesses.”
Moon Letters is updated with new stories, poems, and a great essay on Boromir as the perfect model of Aristotle’s tragic character: “Looking at Boromir.”
• There are new updates in red to previous Q&A.
• Join us as we explore the WORDS and WORLDS of Tolkien.

Much too hasty,