Ringer Spy Pegeen sends along all the latest from ‘Variety Magazine’.
In the new “Variety” (April 30-May 6) several pages comment on the Cannes Film Festival Activities and LOTR is a major hit.
Starting on pg. 9 with a special report by Adam Dawtrey concerning parties given by ” New Line “, “vast three day media junket for LOTR which includes screening of 20 minutes of film footage and climaxes May 13 in a party for 1,000 at a top secret chateau location.”
Also the article continues on page 82 with a short sub-heading (‘Ring’-ing endorsement). The entire cast, minus Cate Blanchett (Galadriel), who’s filming, and PJ will be part of a special gathering as “New Line” flies in “plane-loads of journalists from around the world to meet them.”
Double Page ad from “New Line” touting the LOTR along with other 2001 films they are handling is on pg.12-13. This is normal for Cannes publicity. I am looking forward to photos and stories that will be generated by this next week’s activiites.