Thanks to Turore who sent in this link to an article in the Kansas City Star. [More]

Anyone else noticed how the tone of most news articles about the LOTR films has changed since a year ago? That ‘Aren’t these people who go on about Elves silly?’ snigger that used to underly most of the mainstream news reports has mostly disappeared. : ) And we all know what that means.

The debate continues on whether Aragorn is charging along with elves or men in this Helm’s Deep clip from the official teaser trailer. (page 5, first image)

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Here is some more fuel for the fire from Spy Tocata:

Having been an elf at Helm’s Deep, yes, those must be elves. They have the distinctly Elven swords (curved blade, long handle) we used, and are definitely wearing Elven battle armour, which is bloody painful I can tell you. I’m tall and gangly, and it was tight enough to keep me from breathing properly for the many days I was in it. Orcs are much more comfortable, as are Rohans & Gondorian Rangers. Elving sucks!

So, from someone on the set, we get further confirmation Elves are at Helm’s Deep.

Swedish band Za Frumi have finished their new CD which is Tolkien-inspired and rather different – the music tells the experiences of a band of orcs (More)™ is proud to announce another new member of its Fan Community.

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You’ve read Lord of the Rings. Dagorhir Battle Games lives it! Tolkien’s Middle-earth meets Dark Age Europe in this safe, live-action, action-packed, nationwide war gaming society. Why dream the life when you can live the dream? Join yesterday’s fun today!

Noel Piper speaks from the point of view of J.R.R. Tolkien in this Explore! Magazine Article. Thanks to Ed for sending us the scans. [More]

Explore! Magazine is aimed at 9 to 14 year olds. If you would like to subscribe, check out their official site. [More]

The new edition of UK’s SFX magazine includes a 24 page LotR supplement section! Included in the supplement are:
1. A section devoted to Tolkien himself!
2. A guide to Middle Earth!
3. A movie guide with lots of blown up trailer images!
4. Reviews of LotR, and the Silmarillion, (All 5 stars, of course)
So, run out to your newsstand ASAP and get your copy before they are all gone!
Thanks to Ringer spy Timothy for the tip!