In their efforts to get the word out to as many folks as possible, the BarliBash folks have submitted the following for your consideration. It sounds like a great time so get your confirmations in soon!

Many of you have requested information about the Barliman’s gathering in Chicago next August. This post isn’t for you. =] This post is for those of you who may have missed the prior post; or for those of you who might have been holding back until more information was available. Here’s that information!

Thursday, August 2nd, 2001 We meet at the Northbrook Hilton Hotel in the Chicago area this afternoon. We’ll have a reception, with a cash bar for those who wish to recover from their travels. This evening will give everybody the chance to meet their Barliman’s compatriots in a casual setting. There will likely be a few icebreaker type games, in Tolkien style.

Friday, the 3rd Chicago, Chicago, that toddlin’ town! The lot of us’ll hop a train into Chicago, and spend the day gawking like Gimli in the Caves of Anglarond. Sears Tower? Check. Navy Pier? Check. Art Institute? Check. Metric tons of bratwurst and beer? Check. Then, in the evening, we’ll ride back out to the hotel and settle in for the night. Maybe terrorize one of the on-site bars, or claim the swimming pool as our own private territory.

Saturday, the 4th Pretty loosely planned, and likely to remain so. Today, we plan to organize some games and contests; perhaps some Tolkien Trivia, or a debate. Mock fighting on the lawn has been suggested (swordplay and such), as well as karaoke (may Eru help us all). The hotel is situated on a forest preserve, right on the bank of a river. There’s also a wildlife park only a few hundred yards from the hotel itself. It’ll be a good day to kick back and spend time with each other, with no pressing obligations or “activities”. Saturday evening, Barliman’s Banquet will be held. It will be a formal-type meal, catered by the Hilton, featuring various ME type cuisines – mushrooms, potatoes, and ‘crebain’ featuring prominently. There will again be a cash bar, with other beverages provided by the Bash.

Sunday, the 5th Pack up and get out. Pretty self explanatory – get the ponies loaded and head for home. Other than a brief farewell gathering, nothing is planned for this morning; everybody will be able to take their leave in the manner they prefer.

Now for the burning question: how much for all this? $220 (lodging and fee) gets you your room (double occupancy), the fare to and from downtown Chicago, and your banquet meal. It also pays for the incidentals that go along with such an event, like rental of meeting space. If you wish a room to yourself, the cost unfortunately rises to $370, but you’re saved the trouble of a roommate who snores fit to wake the dead.

If you’re interested in this event, and haven’t contacted us yet, please email Unless we have phenomenal interest, we will be limiting the number of attendees to 50, so time is of the essence! We’ll be happy to answer any questions you might have, and share any information we can. We hope to hear from you, and we hope to see you in Chicago!

– Curunir, Messiah, and Saint