Only 12 days of filming left, and it’s made them go all silly. They’re actually allowing the stars to appear at public events all over the place!
Here’s the news snippet thanks to Rachel, who caught the item on NZ’s Three News:
“… I didn’t catch much but from what I gathered it was about the wrap up. They were filming a Christmas parade which some of the actors from the Lord of the Rings had turned up to… they interviewed a few of them including Sir Ian Mckellen, John Noble and Sean Astin. It also showed a few shots of some of the other actors, some screens from the trailer and some pictures of the Minas Tirith and Edoras sets. I don’t remember much of what was said but Sean Astin was asked about the Wrap Party. He wouldn’t say much about it. He was cheeky to the reporter – it was quite amusing.”
There’s a mention of it on the TV3 site here – nothing really new, but they’ve added up the cost of the movies so far and arrived at NZ$690,000,000 which is a big number when you write it out that way! There’s a picture too, which is sort of…..hmmmmmm.