Greetings Quickbeam here.
Its not officially autumn until youve stuck your nose in a book. So open up Green Books and enjoy our new features. Youll find all this more:
- Time to vote for a new President… will it be Gandalf or Saruman? Go Out on a Limb with me for a satirical look at American politics, Tolkien style.
- You ask, we tell. We have new Questions & Answers:
- Why is 13 an unlucky number in Middle-earth?
- How did Gandalf conceal Narya?
- Whats the origin of the word “Gollum”?
- Why did Aragorn dismiss the Army of the Dead?
All these and more can be found here.
- The remarkable Terry Pratchett (Discworld, Good Omens) pays Tribute to the wonder of Tolkien.
- Laugh out loud at our new song parodies over at Moon Letters! And of course theres essays… and poetry… and fiction…
- Look for new updates in red to previous Q&A articles.
Next month we provide a special Halloween edition of Green Books thats going to be full of surprises (and ghosts). Join us as we explore the WORDS and WORLD of Tolkien.
Much too hasty,