From: Torper
I have just seen the “X-men”- movie (where our own McKellen surely does a splendid job). On my way to see the movie I found the magasin called “Film Guide” (which is a free magasin for movie-goers here in Denmark), and I saw to my excitment that they had a two pages long article about “Lord of the Rings”.
The article is called “Hobbitterne lever” – “The Hobbits live” and in short terms it describes all the fuzz about the books, when they were published in 1950’s and which influence they had on a various people. Also, off course, it tells us about the movie project. It does not really contain any new information – it just shows that the word indeed is out here in Denmark – almost one and a half year before the movie will hit the big screen. Wow!
Thanks for a great site – “Keep the Energy Flowing!”
“Torper “
Allan Torp Jensen
Aalborg, Denmark