I think you’re going to really appreciate this topic. In the rush of today, it seems like so many things are chaepened, devalued, and lost. Will this happen when Peter Jackson translates The Lord of the Rings to the big screen? Thus our topic:
Preserving the Legacy of Tolkien’s Work on Film
We all know and expect that PJ will make changes in the Professor’s great tale. If, in the upcoming movie, you could have 5 minutes -give or take- of the film that was completely unaltered and just as you imagine it, what would it be and why? What one scene would
you like to see in the movie verbatum? Do you think after the movies are out and finished that Tolkien’s vision of Middle-earth will be properly shown, and what impact will the films have on future readers of The Lord of the Rings?
Join your moderators this today at 5:30 EST [-5 hours GMT] or Sunday, August 6, at 6:00 p.m. GMT [7:00 p.m. Central Europe Time and 1:00 p.m. EDT]. Please send in your feedback and topic suggestions to us.