Comic-Con, is a fandango happening Convention taking place on the week end of July 21,22 and 23. Among the guests are Chris Carter, creator of the X-Files and Paul Verhoeven, director of ‘Hollow Man’, and Mark Hamill of Star Wars fame. But that’s stale pipeweed compared to this:
NEW LINE CINEMA offers previews of its upcoming movies, “The Cell”, featuring director Tarsem, writer Mark Protosevich and star VINCENT D’ONOFRIO and “Lost Souls”, PLUS A SPECIAL FEATURETTE ON THE MAKING OF “THE LORD OF THE RINGS” on Saturday, July 22 starting at 2:30pm!
Making of LOTR! Anyone who can get down there must! on the double!
While there, try and hook up with Staffer Quickbeam, he’s the one with the yellow leaves and the tendancy to look like a tree…
Visit the Comic-Con Website for more info.