Winona Kent, from The Complete Sean Bean sends in info on two magazines covering LOTR:

French Premiere Magazine (as distinct from the North American and British versions) for May/June has 4 little thumbnail color pix from LOTR on page 176: Elijah Wood as Frodo. Sean as Boromir with the ring. The Ringwraiths. Liv Tyler as Arwen.

There is a website at but I’m not sure if the article is online there or not.

The French title for LOTR is Le Seigneur des anneaux.

As well as a little article about LOTR from Total Film, a UK film magazine, August 2000 issue. [More]

Ringer Spy Colleen gives us the skinny on French Primere’s Website:

Here’s a link to one of two pages showing the latest movie posters. [link 1] [link 2]

There is also a page from which to download the Apple preview, which has some thumbnails of three of the images from the original version of the official site.