Sigh, and in the end this is what it comes to for me as well, love for the film making process, love for what PJ et all down in NZ are doing down there, and love for this whole production that has given me so much, though we here at TORN probably do not deserve it.

As you may have guessed the Gollum pics were highly secretive, and when I recieved them yesterday it did send pangs through my body. Having been burnt many many times before, by holding a story back only to see another website post it up, I didn’t want to pass this opportunity up.

Needless to say the PTB’s down in NZ and LA are miffed, and when it gets down to it I do not want to do that. Upsetting people is not the reason I got into this, and getting angry emails and letters from within the production is not something I wanted, I don’t expect them to love me, but my excuse was always ‘hey, I’m promoting the movie!’, well this time I may have let to much go.

Although I know the fans, the ones not involved with the production at all, did love those pics, and the only thing I can say to PJ or the people who read this site for him is this, the fans really loved it, and they love the entire thing you’re doing down there. So if anything, I’ve whet thier appetite even more for your work.

I hope the TORNadoes can understand this editorial descision on my part.

– Xoanon


It’s a new week, and that means it’s time for a new Hall of Fire. Nazfyratu did some deep thinking as he hiked one of his well-worn paths, and he came up with this great topic:
. o O Art and Tolkien!

Although the images Tolkien has crafted for his readership belong ultimately to each of us in our own minds, The Professor has inspired countless artistic visions that have been brought to life. The variety of media used to express visions of Tolkien runs the gamut, but we’re going to focus on painting, sketching, and drawing. Take a quick look at some of our fan art, or spend the next few days getting to know one of our community sites, Rolozo Tolkien, which has an enormous stockpile. Grab the internet address of a favorite Tolkien picture to bring with you to our chat, and we’ll be able to share our favorite pictures as we talk together.

Do you have a favorite Tolkien artist? Thinking back on calendars, posters, book jackets, even the work of the author himself in his published collection Pictures of J.R.R. Tolkien, what is it about this art that moves you? Is it the scene itself, a rendition of a favorite setting or character, or is it something deeper… tone, imagery, perspective, color, light?
Perhaps you’ve done something yourself that you’d like to share with us during our chat. All are welcome, and we hope to see you at The Hall of Fire!

Date & Time: Saturday, June 3 at 5:30 EST [-5 hours GMT]
Place: #thehalloffire on our server,….accessible through your own chat client or our site’s java page

We’d love to hear your feedback or topic suggestions. Please drop us an email!

Hello again all! I am happy to say, Morden has made a huge comeback today! Good job Morden!!!!
The answers were:
1) Taters (Po-ta-toes)
2) Gwaihir
3) Arwen
Here are the questions for today:
1) “Who was called Ernil-I-Pherenniath?”
2) “rliamih” (Scrambled Tolkien person, place or thing)
3) “Him? I dont rightly know. He is one of the wandering folk–Rangers we call them.” (Who said this?)
As always, mail me with your answers, the 1st person to mail me all 3 correct answers in one mailing will be posted here next time!…..Gamgee

Wazoo! A bunch of cool Tolkien stuff, including a $9,100 copy of LOTR! [More]

You can catch Ian Holm (Bilbo) in ‘Incognito’ on Cinemax. [More]

Many a buzzo has been made over Liv Tyler (Arwen) possibly being in and around Moria; latest news, however, seems to indicate something otherwise. Highlight the paragaph below to find out what:

Liv and the folks that the Spy saw were very possibly shooting scenes for the Mordor Gate, and not Moria after all, so there still may be no Liv in Moria.