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The latest issue of Cinescape Magazine features our very own Ian McKellen (Gandalf) in the ‘Star of the Future’ section. The one page article talks mostly about McKellen’s foray into the world of Magneto in the upcomming ‘X-Men’ film. However there is a small blurb about LOTR:
So after his detour to Fantsayland via X-Men, was McKellen eager to get back to the Bard? Not at all. Even before he was finished working on X-Men, he was preparing for his next foray into fantasy filmmaking. “Once I felt on top of the problems of playing Magneto, I started examining the Lord of the Rings scripts,” writes McKellen, who will play the wizard Gandalf in Peter Jackson’s adaptation of the classic trilogy, “usually at weekends so that I wasn’t to distracted from the X-Men x-perience.”
To read the entire article click on the image above.