Frodo and Sam re-cast?
For folks who have no idea about the Foxtrot comic, it follows the trials and tribulations of an average nuclear family with screaming kids, a typical dad, and a pet lizard. Creator Bill Amend seems to be on the ball as far as sci-fi/fantasy fans are concerned, he had a lot of stuff in his strips about Phantom Menace last year. I hope he’s jumping on the LotR bandwagon, because he can be really hilarious with fan mania portrayal.
His youngest character, Jason Fox, is a big geek and loves Star Wars, etc., so maybe this is the beginning of his being a Tolkien fan as well.
From: The Official Foxtrot Website
LOTR Casting Change??? [4/11/00] Rumors out of New Zealand more and more point to a major casting change in the upcoming Peter Jackson-directed Lord of the Rings movie trilogy. Despite official word to the contrary, a careful frame-by-frame analysis of the recently released QuickTime preview offers convincing evidence that the roles of Frodo and Sam will not be played by actors Elijah Wood and Sean Astin as previously reported elsewhere, but rather by a pair of hobbit-sized unknowns. More to follow on this breaking story, we’re sure.
Thanks to TheOneRing.net Staff Member Anwyn for the tip!