Directly from ABC’s ‘Arabian Nights’ comes pictures of our very own Andy Serkis (Voice of Gollum). Serkis played ‘Kasim’, Ali Baba’s ill fated brother.

Click on the image to enlarge

The folks at New Line and Akamai Technologies are flexing their Internet muscle and posted this ad in the LA Times.

Click on the image to enlarge

You can catch Sean Astin (Sam) in ‘Like Father Like Son’ on TMN today.

You can also see Andy Serkis (Voice of Gollum) in ‘Arabian Nights’ on ABC

Sir Ian McKellen (Gandalf) can be seen in Richard III on TV2 (danish television) tonight (the 30th) at 8:30 pm local time.

Ringer Super Spy Resevoir Dog sends in the latest from the ‘Sun Herald’ in Australia.

Here’s a big article for you on Miranda Otto (Eowyn) from the Sun Herald. It is titled “My Risky Business” and includes LOTR talk.

Click on both images to enlarge in our scrapbook

Check out the fan art gallery for a plethora of newly submitted masterpieces! (two galleries worth!)[ Fan Art ]

Hello again everyone!! Gamgee returning from a long spell in the garden, so to say. The Tolkien fun section should now go back to a daily basis, unless I manage to stump you for more than a day…(wink wink). Our last winner was Shayne Parkinson! Great job Shayne!!!!
The answers were:
1) Tar-Ciryatan
2) Isengard
3) Smaug
Here are the questions for today:
1) “What was the name used in Bree for the 11th month of the year?”
2) “gignrnhuhaba” (scrambled Tolkien person, place or thing)
3) “Haven’t you any lock-ups below?” (Who said this?)
As usual Mail me with your answers, the 1st person to mail me all 3 correct answers in one mailing, will be posted here tomorrow….Good Luck! ……Gamgee