More info regarding the Dragon Boat Race for charity event that’s going on in NZ right now. My thanks to Annette Cullen, Festival Director for the info.
Wellington Dragon Boat Festival
For immediate release
Contact: Waterway Events Limited
Robert Lochhead or Annette Cullen
Phone: 04 – 4710205 or Mobile 025 863995/025 2830420
Lord of the Rings Stars join in Bathtub challenge.
The Lord of the Ring stars Elijah Wood, Dominic Monaghan, Billy Boyd and Orlando Bloom, will appear in the celebrity bathtub race being held at the Wellington Dragon Boat Festival, on Sunday 27th February, 12.00 noon to 1.00pm.
The stars have agreed to appear and help with a fund raising effort organised by the Festival to raise money for Ronald McDonald House.
They will be joining other local celebrities Ian Ferguson, Members of the Capital Shakers netball
team and others.
The festival organisers added bathtub racing to the event as a fundraiser for Ronald McDonald House. With 2,700 participants and over10, 000 spectators expected over the weekend, the organisers felt there was an opportunity for some audience participation and to also benefit a worthy charity such as Ronald McDonald House.
Participants and spectators are being asked to pay $5 for a bathtub race, which goes straight to Ronald McDonald House. Ronald McDonald collectors will collect donations during the weekend, with the celebrity race expected to draw a lot of support.