Desolation of SmaugWelcome to our collection of TORn’s hottest topics for the past week. If you’ve fallen behind on what’s happening on the Message Boards, here’s a great way to catch the highlights. Or if you’re new to TORn and want to enjoy some great conversations, just follow the links to some of our most popular discussions. Watch this space as every weekend we will spotlight the most popular buzz on TORn’s Message Boards. Everyone is welcome, so come on in and join in the fun!

This week on LOTR Movie Board Jay236 wants to know “Who is Tom Bombadil?” Come and see what our members have to say about this most mysterious character.

The hot topic on Hobbit Movie Board comes from jtarkey who ponders “Will The Hobbit trilogy finally be understood once it is completed? Or will it go down as a failed attempt to push the envelope of technology?

Lindele decided to make a revised edition of the DOS trailer, you can take a peek at it over on Fan Art, see if you can spot the changes 🙂

We’ll share more topics next week. We hope you’ll come and join in the conversations!  Don’t forget,’s message boards have over 9,770 registered Tolkien fans, just like you.  Let your voice be heard!