Andrew Rutherford writes: Here’s some photos that you might not have seen before, and recently uploaded to our website. They show the construction of the Edoras set. They were not taken by us. From the site: When Peter Jackson’s Three Foot Six company first arrived in Queenstown in November 1999, I decided to visit their production office which was operating out of the old Remarkables Hotel. There I had the good luck to meet unit production manager Nick Korda. I told him that with the type of aeroplanes we operated I thought we could be of service. My reasons for approaching the company were, firstly, I was a fan of J. R. R.Tolkien and loved the book, so I wanted to be involved. I believed that with all the locations around the country there would be a place for small aeroplanes in ferrying people, equipment, film and so on around them. Nick seemed a little doubtful at first until I mentioned that we could fly point to point at half the price of a helicopter, and do it faster. As we were flying small aircraft, we were not restricted to airports and could land anywhere – it could even be on the side of a hill, provided the area chosen was reasonably smooth and at least 400 metres long. More…