TORN  Cruise Garfeimao writes: Space will soon be disappearing from the Cruise to Middle-earth. This cruise has been on sale since August of last year, and Celebrity is very happy with how successful it has been. But the cruise line now needs some of the space back in order to follow through with some of their own promotions. This is a standard move in the cruise industry, and I am working with Celebrity Cruises to see how much space I can still hold, and for how long.

If you have been on the fence about whether or not you would like to go on the Cruise to Middle-earth in November of this year, your time is running out!. I’ve been able to set aside a few cabins in each category, but only a very few. So strike while the iron is hot, or while I still have cabins to sell to Ringers of intelligence to go on this journey, quest, thing.

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