From the New York Times (thanks to Ringer Arik for the link): Nine hours after the first film began, audience members were told to be back in their seats at 9:45 for a very special surprise …

“Hello everybody,” came the high quaver of Gollum, and the audience shrieked as one: Gollum is addressing us! More than that, he is introducing hobbits! From the upper left door, Dominic Monaghan emerged and bounded down the stairs, touching outstretched hands, then Sean Astin, then Elijah Wood, then the voice of Gollum, Andy Serkis, holding a microphone. “This is the highlight right here, bein’ with you people,” Mr. Astin said. Even if was not true, it was nice of him to say. This story requires (free) registration. [ Posted in:

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