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The One Ring Forums: Tolkien Topics: Fan Art: Answers: Edit Log


Jan 6, 11:25pm

Views: 7428

The more I read on tip sites for AI art, it's very dependent on the words you enter and the word order and punctuation, and some generators also have a "prompt weight" like a scale from 1 to 20 which also matters--I think the weight means how hard the AI tries to match all the words? Probably over my head.

But I think the more precise terms and conditions that a person inputs, like those you listed, the closer you'll get to the desired outcome. The generators all seem to produce 3-4 images each time you hit Enter, and those can vary widely from each other. In one iteration, for example, Gandalf and the Balrog were a single creature, holding Glamdring while sprouting horns and fire--it felt like sacrilege! But the other two images showed wizard vs demon. So even the exact same set of prompts can lead to significant variations in output.

But specifically using "Gandalf": I didn't try his name at all, just permutations of "old white wizard." When I tried the specific term "Balrog" (upper- or lower-case), I got much worse results that looked more like a generic monster (just google "monster" and see how many variations you get; that's what I got). So switching to "fire demon" at least got me more in the right direction.

The basic advice is start with a noun, add adjectives, describe the scene in detail, then also add mood ("scary" vs "calm"), then add type of output (cartoon vs anime vs photo-realistic, etc). But I'm still very much a newbie.

(This post was edited by CuriousG on Jan 6, 11:26pm)

Edit Log:
Post edited by CuriousG (Half-elven) on Jan 6, 11:26pm

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