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Apr 16, 6:27pm

Views: 1742
Burning through Rhys Bowen

I've now read all of the "Her Royal Spyness" novels (yay, new one coming out in November) and have started in on her "Molly Murphy" series. There's always a murder (or several) that the plucky heroine solves, there's a large cast of recurring characters, but unlike, say, the Janet Evanovich series, the characters do change and grow - slowly, but it's fun to watch. Lady Georgiana, as a cousin of the now King Edward VIII, is well acquiainted with Mrs. Simpson and I expect we'll be getting the whole abdication story as part of an upcoming novel - as well as the ongoing references to that "nasty little man Hitler" and the threat of war.

Been also reading books about toxic families and how to separate yourself from them, because you can't change them. I think pretty much everyone of my generation has complex PTSD, thanks to alcoholism and trauma, but I'm the only one who has gone to counseling or, apparently, will go.

Fun fact: going for a walk in the woods can help repattern the traumatized brain! I go most days.

I'm very excited that they are already filming a "Murderbot" series for Apple +TV. The casting so far looks spot on (I love that most of the cast are brown, just as Wells describes them), and Martha Wells is a consultant and coproducer and says she's excited about the script, so . . . here's hoping! I have decided that I love Murderbot because it reminds me of my German Shepherd: I was her person, her responsibility to guard and protect, first and foremost. And we loved each other in the purest way and were happiest when we were together. Murderbot's attitude toward its humans reminds me of that. Murderbot's code makes it feel that way, just as my GSD's breeding made her that way.

I am a dreamer of words, of written words.
-- Gaston Bachelard

* * * * * * * * * *

NARF and member of Deplorable Cultus since 1967

(This post was edited by Annael on Apr 16, 6:32pm)

Edit Log:
Post edited by Annael (Immortal) on Apr 16, 6:32pm

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