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The One Ring Forums: Tolkien Topics: Reading Room: Votes are in, and the Shire wins--hosts and suggestions needed!: Edit Log

Ethel Duath

Mar 28, 3:56pm

Views: 6166
Votes are in, and the Shire wins--hosts and suggestions needed!

We knew it would triumph, anyway, as it always has, no matter what's thrown at them.Smile http://newboards.theonering.net/...post=1008539#1008539 There were some suggestions for how to go about a Shire-related discussion:
  • "I wonder if we could group the early and late chapters of LOTR together to discuss hobbits and how they shaped the Shire and how it shaped them: what makes hobbits tick overall. (And why does Gandalf like them so much but no one else?)"
  • "I like the 'Evolution of hobbits and how their seed of courage had been awakened,' because we see that happen with the four main hobbits and if we wanted to talk about Bilbo in the Hobbit also we see that happening.
  • Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin have all evolved and matured and none has been unchanged from the Quest and it is so interesting to have a multi-part discussion on this. I think each hobbit should take a week at least."
  • "I hope we can still have a separate convo about hobbit culture. There would be overlap with the Fab Four, but that wouldn't be bad."
And more! You can read all of the suggestions at the above link.

What I'm thinking is to move from the general to the specific. What would you all think of starting with the idea of the Shire "bookends" (Shire to Shire?) as in the first comment, and focus on culture and how individual characters fit into/don't fit into the Shire culture; and how those characters shape it, and how the Shire shapes the characters. This would include minor as well as major Hobbit characters, and possibly references to "outsiders" like elves and dwarves, etc. And then we could perhaps focus on the 4 main Hobbits and their development, inducing the awakening of courage. What do you all think?

(This post was edited by Ethel Duath on Mar 28, 3:57pm)

Edit Log:
Post edited by Ethel Duath (Half-elven) on Mar 28, 3:57pm
Post edited by Ethel Duath (Half-elven) on Mar 28, 3:57pm
Post edited by Ethel Duath (Half-elven) on Mar 28, 3:57pm

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