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Apr 29, 4:40pm

Views: 18339
ah, the VW Bug!

My dad let me have his Beetle my last year of high school. This had been our family car at one point, and when we were little the entire family of 7 could fit in it - parents in front, the three older children in the back seat, and the two littlest in what we called the "wayback" which was really just a space behind the back seat. Dad did install seatbelts by the time it came to me. I remember taking it up skiing one time and getting blown into the next lane by a strong sidewind - fortunately no other car was there at the time! It was surprisingly good in snow.

FAVORITE car would be a tossup between my Dodge Dart and my 'Subaru Legacy wagon. The Dart seated six (bench seat in front) and had a huge trunk that could accommodate four full-sized backpacks. I even got a full-sized mattress (folded in half) into it once. Many road trips when I was in my 20s in that car. I bought it when it was 10 years old for $700 and sold it 10 years later for $400. Ran beautifully. They never should have gotten rid of the slant-six engine.

Bought the Legacy when I moved to Boise and needed a solid snow car. Drove it all winter in the mountains and never once had to put chains on, never skidded - it handled 18 inches of fresh snow just fine. Also did well on very rough roads in the backcountry. I once went exploring in the mountains and found a road that the map said would take me over a pass and back down. It did, but on the far side it devolved to basically a creek bed. Pre cell phones, and no one knew where I was, so I was sweating by the time we got back onto a reaonable road - but the Sube managed it beautifully. Sold it when it was 28 years old to a man who wanted a stick-shift car for his daughter, but every time I see it around town he's driving it and loves it.

I am a dreamer of words, of written words.
-- Gaston Bachelard

* * * * * * * * * *

NARF and member of Deplorable Cultus since 1967

(This post was edited by Annael on Apr 29, 4:45pm)

Edit Log:
Post edited by Annael (Immortal) on Apr 29, 4:44pm
Post edited by Annael (Immortal) on Apr 29, 4:45pm

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