and New Line Cinema bring you the...
12 Hour Movie Marathon Contest

FOTR Extended Title is proud to once again team up with New Line Cinema to exclusively host one of the greatest prizes on offer to our visitors: The Twelve Hour Movie Marathon.

On November 11th, two very special screenings of The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring will take place seperately in New York and Los Angeles, hosted by New Line Cinema. What makes these screenings so special? For twelve hours straight, seventy-five lucky people will see every single piece of material on the upcoming Extended DVD Edition from start to finish, documentaries to secret suprises, Bag End to Amon Hen.

Starting at noon and finishing at midnight, the screenings will prove to be for many a die-hard 'Ringer the best twelve hours of 2002, and thanks to New Line Cinema have 150 tickets to give away; seventy-five seats for each screening. What does it take to win a ticket? Just enter your personal information below and you could be one of the randomly selected winners announced on November 4th.

But wait - there's more! If you're lucky enough to win one of the tickets and decide to attend the screening dressed as your favorite Lord of the Rings character, you will receive a coupon for a FREE four-disc Special Extended DVD Edition to be redeemed at the end of the event! The three costumes judged to be the most creative and true to the spirit of The Lord of the Rings will receive a Collector's DVD Gift Set - all courtesy of New Line Cinema.

The Rules:
1. You must submit the form to the right between October 28th, 2002 and November 3rd, 2002 to be eligible to win.
2. You must be able to attend the screening on November 11th 2002 from Noon to midnight in one of the two screening locations, New York City, New York, or Los Angeles, California. (You will need to provide your own transportation, lodging or any other expenses associated with making it to the screening. We are simply providing you with the ticket to get in the door.)
3. All entries must be submitted by Midnight on November 3rd 2002. Winners will be chosen at random on Monday, November 4th and notified through email. Winners will need to respond to the notification before November 5th at 6pm PST.
4.Only one ticket per winner.

Winners will be contacted by email.

A big thanks goes to New Line Cinema for providing these tickets to and its fans!
New Line Cinema
Pre-order: Special Gift Set of Extended Version of The Fellowship of the Ring DVD
FOTR Extended Gift Set

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