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Tolkien reenactment at Bardi Castle, Italy
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Italian LOTR fans invade the Bardi castle in Italy for some Tolkien action!
Group dated 5th May 2003.

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Tolkien reenactment at Bardi Castle, Italy - (800x600, 112kB)
Tolkien reenactment at Bardi Castle, Italy - (299x547, 88kB)
Tolkien reenactment at Bardi Castle, Italy - (580x655, 143kB)
Tolkien reenactment at Bardi Castle, Italy - Ringer Spy Byga Tolkien reenactment at Bardi Castle, Italy - Ringer Spy Byga Tolkien reenactment at Bardi Castle, Italy - Ringer Spy Byga
Tolkien reenactment at Bardi Castle, Italy - (365x551, 84kB)
Tolkien reenactment at Bardi Castle, Italy - (689x765, 233kB)
Tolkien reenactment at Bardi Castle, Italy - (600x800, 187kB)
Tolkien reenactment at Bardi Castle, Italy - Ringer Spy Byga Tolkien reenactment at Bardi Castle, Italy - Ringer Spy Byga Tolkien reenactment at Bardi Castle, Italy - Ringer Spy Byga
Tolkien reenactment at Bardi Castle, Italy - (800x581, 140kB)
Tolkien reenactment at Bardi Castle, Italy - (256x419, 62kB)
Tolkien reenactment at Bardi Castle, Italy - (800x661, 147kB)
Tolkien reenactment at Bardi Castle, Italy - Ringer Spy Byga Tolkien reenactment at Bardi Castle, Italy - Ringer Spy Byga Tolkien reenactment at Bardi Castle, Italy - Ringer Spy Byga
Tolkien reenactment at Bardi Castle, Italy - (800x600, 176kB)
Tolkien reenactment at Bardi Castle, Italy - (483x800, 128kB)
Tolkien reenactment at Bardi Castle, Italy - (313x400, 64kB)
Tolkien reenactment at Bardi Castle, Italy - Ringer Spy Byga Tolkien reenactment at Bardi Castle, Italy - Ringer Spy Byga Tolkien reenactment at Bardi Castle, Italy - Ringer Spy Byga
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