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Walk to Rivendell... and Beyond! February 22


Feb 23, 4:20am

Views: 13805
Walk to Rivendell... and Beyond! February 22

Greetings Fellow Walkers!

Are you ready to LEAP from February into March? Well... gird yourselves for next Thursday/Friday as we experience yet another February 29th and Leap Year! I have a friend who was born on the 29th. She's always boasting about how much younger she is than the rest of us eventho we all graduated at the same time. *sigh*

The beauty of this 4-year phenomenon is that we have an extra day to... I don't know... get some more exercise? Pay your bills on time? Just embrace how cool it is to have a BONUS DAY! I think I'll do that. Wink

How are you coming along on your Quest? Are you still working on a New Year's resolution? The beautiful thing about our Walk is that you're doing it your way and on your time. Everything you do can be converted into miles, and those miles move you on and on down the Road :) So this is all happening to give yourself a few moments each week to do something completely out of your daily routine... until it becomes part of your routine :) My biggest hurdle is to remember to do it!!!! *ARGH!* So tell us how you're doing and just keep moving!

Meanwhile back in Middle-earth, I'm still heading for the River with the Hunters and a mess of scrubbing bubbles. Ever since we left the Stone of Erech a few weeks ago, Aragorn's had to tell them to get back whenever they tried to scooch ahead and leave us behind. It's always hard to get used to a new boss when you've been free to do what you want when you want. I guess a big part of redemption is working at getting it.

Take are everyone... and I'll see you on the Road!!! *waves fondly*


We have been there and back again.

TIME Google Calendar


Mar 8, 4:35pm

Views: 13336
Walk to Rivendell... and Beyond! March 8

Greetings Fellow Walkers!

And now we find ourselves "march"ing along in the month of March. Here in the northern hemi, this should be a much easier action to take now that Spring weather is taking a foothold on the days. This has been a very weird "late Winter" here in Michigan with temps mostly hovering from the 40s to 60s since early February. All my life here, Feb & Mar are usually very unpredictable with at least 4-5 more good snowfalls. Except for a couple of 1-day storms, we're snow-free on the ground and trees/flower are waking up. I'm afraid it portends a very hard, hot & dry summer. *sigh*

The good thing about this in-climate weather is that I'm getting a lot of long walks on my country roads surrounded by bird-song I've missed so much :D I'm moving rocks and boulders into place around the gardens and looking at the small cedar trees growing along the road. Some will be transplanted along my southern property line to block the heavy winds coming across the open farm field and hitting the house all year long.

How are you coming along on your activities? Are you making plans for projects to tackle with the change of seasons? DO TELL! Remember all your actions can be converted into miles and applied to accompanying the Fellowship on their various Quests via the charts found in the Eowyn Challenge site (see links below)

Speaking of Quests, I'm still chugging along with the Hunters and the Oathbreakers on our way to the river and then on to Minas Tirith. You can see more of our adventure in the current TIME posts that is going on in the chart I'm following, "Isengard to Minas Tirith: Aragorn's Path." I have to admit my reaction to all of this is the same as Gimli's!! A bit more extreme than I like!

I hope you have a great adventure whatever you are up to... and I'll see you on the Road!!


We have been there and back again.

TIME Google Calendar


Mar 8, 4:40pm

Views: 13335
Eowyn Challenge Charts

Eowyn Challenge Site Charts created by Karen Wynn Fonstad. See her book on all of this in, Atlas of Middle-earth.

These charts are fascinating to look through!

Eowyn Challenge Site Charts

· Bag End to Rivendell
· Rivendell to Lorien
· Lorien to Rauros
· Rauros to Isengard - Merry and Pippin’s Path
· Rauros to Isengard - Aragorn’s Path
· Isengard to Minas Tirith - Gandalf and Pippin’s Path
· Isengard to Minas Tirith - Aragorn’s Path
· Isengard to Minas Tirith - Merry’s Path
· Rauros to Mount Doom - Frodo and Sam’s Path
· Minas Tirith to Morannon
· Morannon to Minas Tirith - The Return
· The Road Home: Minas Tirith to Isengard
· The Road Home: Isengard to Rivendell
· The Road Home: Rivendell to Bag End
· Bag End to the Grey Havens

· Bag End to Rivendell
· Rivendell to Lonely Mountain


We have been there and back again.

TIME Google Calendar


Mar 23, 10:45pm

Views: 12743
Walk to Rivendell... and Beyond! March 23

Greetings Fellow Walkers!

Well... it's official! Here in the northern-hemi, we've FINALLY Sprung past the Spring Equinox! *relieved applause* :D Michigan is a bit confused, however. Last week saw 50-60 degree temps, and Friday we had 7+ inches of snow in 24 hours... that is now melting. GO FIGURE!!

I'm looking forward to mowing my lawn again. Especially before it gets into the oven-like temps mid-summer! I love the exercise and feeling of accomplishment. I have a riding-mower; but prefer 3-ish hours with the little push mower.

So do you have Spring chores waiting for you? Which do you prefer? AND for our sibbies in the southern-hemi... are you preparing for your yard's Winter sleep? DO TELL! Remember to convert your activities into miles and track you walk with the Fellowship. They're really off in every direction right now!

I'm still travelling with the Hunters (Aragorn, Legolas & Gimli), the scrubbing bubbles (army of the Dead) and the Dunedain on our way to join the HUGE gathering on Minas Tirith's front yard. It's a pretty intense group!

Take care... and I'll see you on the Road!


We have been there and back again.

TIME Google Calendar


Apr 4, 1:01pm

Views: 11890
Walk to Rivendell... and Beyond! April 4[

Greetings Fellow Walkers!

Fools we are NOT as we trot past April Fool's Day unscathed (hopefully ;) At least I hope I get by without others catching on to what foolishness I bring! It's what I do best :) It's the day I chose to retire in 2016 and ran from the building and adult responsibilities! Hence, there's been more time to Walk with some or all of the Fellowship on their Quest to destroy the One Ring. It's so much more rewarding and fun as I follow the great charts and maps by Karen Wynn Fonstad and her book, The Atlas of Middle-earth. The charts and their daily breakdown of the Fellowship's activities give me a deeper appreciation of what they each went through... and of the thoughtful detail Professor Tolkien brought to this world.

So here we are (FINALLY) in the Northern Hemi's Spring and the good weather it promises for more outdoor projects, activity, walks, and freedom! That said *climbs onto chair* I'm announcing that our Walk to Rivendell installments will be going from 2 a month to 1... the first week of each month. There may be an occasional extra tossed in here and there, but I know this summer is going to be a challenge... so it's easier to pledge to the one.

However, none of us are off the hook for keeping up with our goals to keep moving on down the Road by converting all of our exercises, activities, and even daily chores into mileage. It still amazes me how quickly the miles add up even in the Winter months when the main action is shovelling and treadmilling.

How are you coming along on your Quest? Does you goal change with the season so you can blend them into your daily routine? What are your favourite methods of gathering your mileage? My goal is to lose the pounds I've recently loaded on AND to finally make it to Minas Tirith with Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, the Dunedain and scrubbing bubbles. That said, we're STILL hoofing it across the lands on our way to the ships travelling on the water where we can finally catch a ride on the last leg of the journey. We're passing through the southern spur of the White Mountains then on to the Pelargir Havens still 240+ miles away! Oh my aching feet!

So hang in there, keep on keeping on... and I'll see you on the Road!!! Smile


We have been there and back again.

TIME Google Calendar


May 2, 2:45pm

Views: 10594
Walk to Rivendell... and Beyond!! May 1

Greetings Fellow Walkers!

I hope all is well in your world and that you're enjoying building up your mileage via activities you enjoy. Yard work? Walks of all sorts... trails, lake-sides, country roads, etc. Pretty much anything you do can be converted into miles and good exercise to keep away those aches and pains that sneak in when you're relaxing way too much *sigh*... which I enjoy too much myself ;)

So what is your favourite activity that gives you the biggest mileage boost? We have sibs who have actually accumulated enough to walk around the world! *high five* I'm content to make it to town 4 miles away ;)

Talk about covering miles... Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, the Scrubbing Bubbles and I have finally cleared the mountains and reached the flatlands leading the the River Anduin and a boat ride to Gondor! But we've only got about 375 miles to go! *gulp*

Good luck on your Quest! :) I'll see you on the Road!!


We have been there and back again.

TIME Google Calendar


May 16, 10:49am

Views: 6330
Greetings from

Good morning, gramma.

It's been a minute! Over the past few years, I think I've walked to Mordor and back. I've participated in over 100 obstacle course races that have taken me from Seattle to Houston to Miami and many cities in the Carolinas, plus an overseas trip to Iceland. My feet and Garmin have been to many beautiful, but challenging venues. We have a great group that I am lucky to call my friends in this community. So many fantastic adventures!

In other news, Little D just finished his freshman year in college. When did that happen? I'm starting to feel old (just a little).Smile

Aaaaand the Word with Friends beatings continue with Alassea Eruvande. I'm wearing my helmet as I know she's not going to put up with that. Shocked

I hope you and your family are doing well!

A few harmless flakes working together can unleash an avalanche of destruction.