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NY Tolkien Conference at Baruch-EXCITING!


Feb 16, 3:35am

Views: 63998
NY Tolkien Conference at Baruch-EXCITING!

June 15- anyone free to go ?

From the web site:
The New York Tolkien Conference will return on June 15, 2024 at Baruch College. We are pleased to announce that our Guest of Honor is Professor Nicholas Birns of NYU, who will present on his forthcoming book, “The Literary Role of History in the Fiction of J.R.R. Tolkien.”

We are seeking proposals related to the following:

Presentations on Tolkien and the Inklings, their literary work, or related issues.

Papers on fantastic fiction–this can include anything from books heavily influenced by Middle-earth to other genres of fantasy. Examples of authors we’re interested in include George RR Martin, Octavia Butler, Tad Williams, Ursula K. LeGuin, Gene Wolfe, Susanna Clarke, Terry Pratchett, Tim Powers, J.K. Rowling, and Nnedi Okorafor.
Fantasy that preceded Tolkien, or presentations dealing with Tolkien’s influences.
Presentations or demos of board and tabletop games dealing with Middle-earth or other fantasy realms.
Discussions of Tolkien’s scholarly work
If you are wondering whether your topic might fit with the conference, please ask! We are open to different approaches.
The conference will take place at Baruch College in New York, located at 55 Lexington Ave, at East 24th St. The New York Tolkien Conference began in 2015, and took place again in 2016 and 2019. We are bringing it back this year and look forward to a day filled with interesting presentations, discussion, and fellowship. The Conference is free, but to attend, you must register at the form below.

"By Elbereth and Luthien the fair, you shall have neither the Ring nor me!" ~Frodo

"And then Gandalf arose and bid all men rise, and they rose, and he said: 'Here is a last hail ere the feast endeth. Last but not least. For I name now those who shall not be forgotten and without whose valour nought else that was done would have availed; and I name before you all Frodo of the Shire and Samwise his servant. And the bards and the minstrels should give them new names: Bronwe athan Harthad and Harthad Uluithiad , Endurance beyond Hope and Hope Unquenchable.." ~Gandalf, The End of the Third Age , from The History of Middle Earth series

"He knew now why Beregond spoke his name with love. He was a captain that men would follow, that he would follow, even under the shadow of the black wings."- Siege of Gondor, RotK

(This post was edited by elentari3018 on Feb 16, 3:36am)


Feb 23, 8:40pm

Views: 63432
Interesting 1st chapter

I was able to read quite a bit of the 1st chapter of Birns' book under the Preview option, and it seems quite accessible and well-written. Such a hefty price, however, so I'll cross my fingers that it will come into a library some day soon. It's definitely not weighed down by a lot of academic jargon as I expected.


Mar 20, 12:51am

Views: 61563
Are you able to make it?

It'll be great if you are!

"By Elbereth and Luthien the fair, you shall have neither the Ring nor me!" ~Frodo

"And then Gandalf arose and bid all men rise, and they rose, and he said: 'Here is a last hail ere the feast endeth. Last but not least. For I name now those who shall not be forgotten and without whose valour nought else that was done would have availed; and I name before you all Frodo of the Shire and Samwise his servant. And the bards and the minstrels should give them new names: Bronwe athan Harthad and Harthad Uluithiad , Endurance beyond Hope and Hope Unquenchable.." ~Gandalf, The End of the Third Age , from The History of Middle Earth series

"He knew now why Beregond spoke his name with love. He was a captain that men would follow, that he would follow, even under the shadow of the black wings."- Siege of Gondor, RotK


Mar 21, 6:41pm

Views: 55925
I'm afraid it's highly unlikely.

Various limitations on my end keep me from going. I'll mull it over some more.


Mar 24, 2:45am

Views: 49867
ok let me know if you can make it! will be glad to meet you in RL :)


"By Elbereth and Luthien the fair, you shall have neither the Ring nor me!" ~Frodo

"And then Gandalf arose and bid all men rise, and they rose, and he said: 'Here is a last hail ere the feast endeth. Last but not least. For I name now those who shall not be forgotten and without whose valour nought else that was done would have availed; and I name before you all Frodo of the Shire and Samwise his servant. And the bards and the minstrels should give them new names: Bronwe athan Harthad and Harthad Uluithiad , Endurance beyond Hope and Hope Unquenchable.." ~Gandalf, The End of the Third Age , from The History of Middle Earth series

"He knew now why Beregond spoke his name with love. He was a captain that men would follow, that he would follow, even under the shadow of the black wings."- Siege of Gondor, RotK