10-15-04 Latest News

Astin Book Signing Reports
Xoanon @ 10:12 am EST

Ashby writes: Here's a little tidbit from Sean's book signing that took place tonight in Huntington, NY. It wasn't quite the affair of the Barnes and Noble signing yesterday, but he did enter the book store to great fanfare. He jumped up onto the stage where he would be signing and then shouted: "So THIS is LONG ISLAND!"

When I finally reached the table where Sean was tirelessly signing, I shared a quick hello, adding how much we as fans at TORn appreciate his efforts, artistry and good natured personality. He looked up, with a bit of surprised recognition at first, upon hearing the TORn name. He then smiled broadly and said "I can't thank you guys enough for all you've done at The One Ring. It's so very much appreciated." So I thought I would send Sean's little 'shout out' to you.

Additionally, I got the impression that Sean may indeed be interviewing for the Ringers feature. He said he was supposed to meet some of the Ringers crew tomorrow for an interview of sorts. Perhaps we will soon see his name on the web page over at lordofthefans.net!


PippinSkywalker writes: I know I have not told you all a good tale in a long time. I can only tell you Bag End and all the Shire has been very busy lately. But I am happy once again ad your Jedi Hobbit reporter to tell you another happy fireside story as in the old days.

Yesterday, October 14, I had immeasurable joy of attending the Sean Astin booksigning in Huntington with my whole family. Those who have read my previous storybook entries know that we have a long history of having gotten to know various cast members. Now a year after all the films have passed out of theaters the magic is still alive.

Yours truly got to the Book Revue in Huntington with the hobbit crew at about 8:30 pm. We stepped inside the very nice family owned bookstore which was just brimming over with excitement. I could feel myself beginning to float inside already and we hadn't even gotten in line to see the kindly Samwise!

We immediately picked up Sean Astin's book and meandered off to find a way up stairs. This was a bit of a concern for a bit since my mom is in a wheelchair and we weren't sure if they had an elevator. As it turns out there was a very kind employee named Daniel behind the register who was kind enough not only to lead us to an elevator but usher right to the front of the line to see our dear hobbit friend! This was such a blessing since we otherwise would have waited for at least an hour to see Sean and that would have been hard on my mom.

We got up there got the booked signed and that was only the beginning! We had all had a nice, fairly long chat with Sean (thanks to the kindness of his assistant). My mom, beaming as she does so well, got to shakes Sean's hand and tell him the story of how we had all met him at the London Premiere of Fellowship of the Ring. Sean was very sweet to my mom and actually thought she was my sister! When I gently corrected him saying she was my mom, Sean merrily replied "Well, I still like to think of her as your sister thats nicer." My mom also went on to share that she and Sean actually shared a birthday (both born on February 25). Next this hobbit got to shake his hand and talk to him a bit. I said how we had met in New Zealand at the Premiere of Return of the King. He said "Oh you were there?!" and after I replied in the affirmative he said "Did I see you there?" This hobbit once again replied in the affirmative. Sean then said "Did you see my daughter there? Wasn't she beautiful?" Yes his daughter was very lovely that day in NZ, with a lovely, happy little face always side by side her hobbit father. It had been a wonderful sight to see. :) Sean told us of how he had explained to his daughter something to the effect that this was all not real (in NZ, describing the movie)and that it was all going to go away/end soon. Alexandra (his daughter) then replied "I know daddy, I want to enjoy it while it lasts" or something to that effect. :)

After talking about his daughter for a bit, I went on to say to Sean that his work in the films meant so much to so many people. I told him that I understood how many hardships he had gone through on set, and that he may have had hard times but that he meant so much to so many. I really meant what I said. Back in 2001 my family and I were going through hardships and trials. We were in England getting treatments for my mother who has had MS. It was the best of times and the worst of times. Then late in the year of 2001 my dad won tickets to the World Premiere of the Fellowship of the Ring. In such a time of sorrow and trials it meant so much not just to me but to all of as a family. When we won those tickets the only way I can describe the joy is this--I felt like my world was ending and beginning at the same time. I felt so alive with bliss and yet was almost passing out from the extreme joy and unspeakable elation I felt. It was like seeing a bright star in the middle of a dark winter.

All this I summed up in just those few words to Sean. He, and the rest of the LOTR cast and crew have meant so much to me and my family. They were so kind to us in those tough times and we will never forget them.

After telling him this, Sean said that what he had written in the book of his hard times on set was like an old snake skin--a thing of the past that he had gotten over by the time he began writing the book. But I also saw in his eyes that he was genuinely moved by what I said, because there was a quiet, thoughtful gratitude in his hobbit face. At last it came time for all us hobbits to part ways. Sean met my whole family and had nice things to say to everyone. He was very kind to my little sister. As we were leaving I had been shaking his hand and he held it firmly and in a kindly and very thoughtful manner said to me "You takecare of yourself".

It was a truly magical evening which I will always remember. Not only did we get the kindly Samwise, but we also ran into Thorongil (who I'm sure is preparing a marvelous report of his own). We had a nice little chat and the all us hobbits headed for the door. For the rest of the world it was dark, mild, October evening. For me the stars were bright, the world alight with the joy of glad things. I had just had a wonderful evening with my family and I got to see two good friends again. I floated home on a cloud.

And that is all for this fireside story children. I'm sure there will be more to tell in the days and years to come, but for now I remain, and ever will be your faithful Jedi Hobbit Reporter.