3-18-02 Latest News

Weekend Round Up
Xoanon @ 10:51 am EST

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TV Watch: Ian McKellen on 'SNL'

The Secret Life of Elijah Wood

Fran Walsh Sues The Listener

Rings Movie Takes Top Slot

Media Watch: Orlando Bloom in US Weekend

A Magical Experience

SAG Awards On City TV

People Magazine: Vintage 1978

Media Watch: The NZ Listener

TTT Trailer: Canada

BBC LOTR Radio Drama Re-Released

Media Watch: Vanity Magazine

Trade body goes for the Rings to sell NZ

Pirated Oscar favorites up for bid on eBay

TTT Trailer: Denmark

McKellen Makes Brief Conan Appearance

Middle-Earth Looks Suprisingly Farmiliar

Brazil Begin Selling LOTR Telephone Cards

TV Watch: Ian McKellen on 'SNL'

The Universally Revered Hobbit