1-25-02 Latest News

Xoanon @ 8:28 am EST

Ringer Fans can thank Speaking Clock for this abundance of UK LOTR News:

- Maybe this will be the chance for UK Ringers to snap up a home-grown One Ring! The British shopping channel QVC is having a one hour Lord of the Rings Showcase at 23:00 on Monday 4th February, featuring LOTR merchandise.

- The London Evening Standard British Film Awards 2002 will be shown live at 23:30 on Monday 4th February on ITV Carlton and LWT. LOTR is a nominee but I haven't been able to find out in which categories.

- The British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA) nominations will be announced on 28th January - http://www.bafta.org. The final awards will be announced on 24th February.