11-11-01 Latest News

TheBursar Checks In!!
Jincey @ 3:34 am EST

Longtime Barli regular TheBursar posted this email from somewhere upon the Seven Seas. He misses us, y'all, so send him an e-mail : )

Hello, friends at Barli's!!!

It is I, the intrepid sailor-type Bursar, making our world just that much safer from the terrorists that try to destroy our lives.

I am sittng in my workcenter on the USS George Washington, cursing the Internet block that prevents all us lower enlisted folk from the Net, and, unfortunately, Barli's.

So, I have to talk to y'all through E-Mail. If anyone wants to yell at me, my E-Mail is Hillr@GeorgeWashington.navy.mil

That is, if anyone even REMEMBERS me.....I haven't been in the place for almost a year now....been kinda busy, what with the whole military thing and all. Life at sea isn't bad.....but it isn't very good, either. I miss you all terribly.

Thanx for the E-Mail...this is FUNNY!! I've run into a coupla people here on the ship that are envious of my Tolkien Top 10 T-Shirt. They like it, and I have to tell them all about theonering.net and all you wonderful people! Thanx for thinking about me while I am at sea, and please feel free to write to me whenever!!!

Your buddy, The Bursar