Saturday, April 08, 2006
Dork of the Rings Fan Film Contest - Xoanon @ 16:57 PST
Tim Richardson, Director "The Dork of the Rings" writes: Alright, all you Dorker filmmakers out there, we are proud (if not self-indulgent) to announce the DORK FAN FILM CONTEST. Pull out your cameras and shoot your own movie using characters, themes, whatever from The Dork of the Rings . Explore our website, watch our videos and read the forum to get your inspiration at Here are a few guidelines:

The films will be judged by director extraordinaire Jack Peterson who will evaluate them based on creativity and cash bribes. The top three films will be showcased on our website and the filmmakers will win copies of Dorks Gone Wild! and The Dork of the Rings once it comes out. Winning films and/or filmmakers may appear in some fashion in our documentary Dorkers.

Download the entry form and mail your completed entries along with the form to

26065 Kirkland Dr.
Edwardsburg, MI 49112

Contact us at with any questions. May the best dork win!