Friday, March 25, 2005
Lembas for the Soul: Your LOTR Story - Xoanon @ 19:32 PST
The folks from The White Tree Press write:

Ringers: Lembas for the Soul is looking for your true LOTR story!

Celevon Elensar, a national award-winning author, wants to see your nonfiction LOTR-related short story. Modeled after similar anecdotal books, Lembas for the Soul will feature interesting, funny or moving stories written by the Tolkien fans themselves.

All stories included in Lembas for the Soul must be true and describe how reading the book or watching the film version of The Lord of the Rings has enriched your life. Have you made new friends from sharing your LOTR experience in a line party or online? Has The Lord of the Rings inspired you in a creative way? After watching the films, did you pack up everything and move to Middle Earth (aka New Zealand)? Have you applied any lessons learned from reading The Lord of the Rings to your own life situation? Has The Lord of the Rings actually changed your life for the better, such as bringing you and your soulmate together? These are just some examples of the type of story we’re collecting. The Ringer community is so vast and varied, there are surely many others waiting to be told.

We are most interested in your story, not whether or not you have ever been published. You don’t need to be a professional or seasoned writer. It is the essence of your true story that counts, not the actual words you use to tell it. If you have a story that fits the criteria for Lembas for the Soul, we invite you to visit our website for submission guidelines and additional information.