Friday, December 27, 2002
TTT Line Party Report: Chicago - Xoanon @ 14:06 PST
Tigerlily Gamgee

Well, for the first major Chicago Line Party it didn't go too bad. We were a little scattered due to the fact that the theatre had six sold out houses for the midnight showing, but we still managed to run the raffle and costume contest. The line started around 8pm and grew rapidly. There were great prizes and giveaways compliments of Decipher and a few Line Party members who donated. The time passed so quickly that we were in the theatre before we knew it. A few local news channels were there, and I was interviewed by one. There were also some really nice T-shirts given out by a local radio station.

All in all, I've had a lot of positive feedback from everyone, and we plan on doing this again! I had a great time!

~Tigerlily Gamgee (Chicago Line Party Administrator)