Thursday, May 02, 2002
WETA's Adam Valdez Woos The Crowd - Xoanon @ 12:27 PST
I'm Daniel Sanchez-Crespo, from Barcelona, Spain, and I direct the master's program on computer games at UPF (Universitat Pompeu Fabra). I'm a 100% LOTR geek, seen the movie 4 times, have the toys, ok, I guess you get it.

We had Adam Valdez from WETA (Animation Supervisor) here a couple days ago giving an awesome talk to our students (both from the games master and from the animation master) on the FX of LOTR. I was thinking about putting a short piece together for you to display on TORN. He explained how they did the small people, how they did the cave troll sequence, some stuff about the MASSIVE software, and gave some info on the second movie, especially Gollum. It's slightly technical, but no more than other pieces you've done in the past. I think it would be great content for your site, and also some exposure for our master, which is rapidly becoming pretty well known in Europe. As I'm a professional writer, doing a monthly column for Game Developer, I think I can put this together in hours, not days. It could be on-line on Friday or so. I was thinking about 200-500 words, no pictures.

Let me know what do you think. We would be more than happy to share that wonderful experience we had with Adam on TORN.