Monday, February 28, 2000

Tolkien Story at - Xoanon @ 09:26 PST
I would like to inform you of a brief book that I have written. It is called: Exploring Middle-Earth: Tolkien and The Lord of the Rings.

I wrote this 75 page book mainly for those who have not experienced Tolkien. With the anticipation building over the upcoming movies, I thought an introductory text covering Tolkien the author, his created world and characters, a discussion of his major themes, and some teaser text about the new films would be a good idea.

My work is available in digital only format and has been published by I would like to know if you would care to write a brief announcement about my book on your site and/ or provide the link directly to the webpage where it is available. The price of the book is $4.00, which allows one to download and then print as many copies as they want.

I think it is a great overview as well as an interesting presentation of Tolkien's themes in The Lord of the Rings. I would appreciate any assistance you can give me. Please respond to this email with any questions or to let me know if you decide to put something on your site.

Here is the url:

I have attached a Word file with some excerpts for you to review if you desire. Thank you for your time and keep up the great work on your Tolkien site.

Len Roberto, Jr.