Tuesday, February 12, 2002

New Line Auction News - Xoanon @ 00:25 PST
I thought I'd let you know about some new auctions that we're running. These are on our own auction site at http://auction.newline.com

--Original production slate last used in Scene 529M, take 5, on November 20, 2000.

--Rare Cannes Film Festival LOTR book, signed by Peter Jackson, Elijah Wood, and others.

--Prototype hand-painted sculpt of Legolas (for approval on Toybiz figure)

--Sam Gamgee action figure signed by Sean Astin

--and more...

Also, we are in the final stages on the new poster. We're printing on a much better stock than is usually used for one sheets, so they should be really great. We hope to begin printing on Monday and will be sending e-mail to everyone who signed up during the poll letting them know when they can pre-order.