Tuesday, September 18, 2001

Weta/Sideshowtoy News - Xoanon @ 19:12 PST
Because of the recent tragedy in New York City and Washington DC, the United States Postal Service, UPS, FedEx and other world carriers have temporarily interrupted their shipments from the USA to domestic and international destinations. Sideshow will fulfill all domestic and international orders as quickly as possible. In the interim, orders to non-US destinations will take longer than usual to be delivered. Thank you for your patience during this trying time.

We at Sideshow Inc. are deeply saddened by the horrific events of the past week. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all those touched by this tragedy both in the US and Worldwide. Sideshow is very much a global company, serving customers throughout every region of the world. We would like to express our appreciation to our customers around the world for their expressions of sympathy in the wake of this terrible event. Our friends, near and far, have been incredibly kind in contacting us to check on our well being. We are "okay," but this has touched all of us, and we will never be the same.

Sideshow, Inc., and it's sister organization, The Sideshow Foundation, will be making a contribution to aid those families in our immediate community that have lost loved ones. Many of the victims on those doomed flights were flying back home to Los Angeles, where Sideshow's office is located. Our hearts go out to them and their families.

Some of our friends at Weta Workshop knew people in the World Trade Center that are currently missing. Half a world away in New Zealand, their traditionally peaceful community has also been deeply affected by the events in New York.

We wish for everyone the peace and resolve to get through this situation and to remain committed to the overriding principal of love that truly binds us all as brothers and sisters.

The Sideshow / Weta Team