Sunday, November 05, 2000
Barlimans News

Tolkien Fun Section
Gamgee @ 18:57 PST

Hello everyone! Welcome again to the Tolkien fun section! Our last winner was Melian! Good job my dear! The answers were:
1) Brandir
2) Pukel-men
3) Beregond
Here are the questions for today:
1) "What creature did the dwarves waste arrows shooting at shortly before Bombur fell into an enchanted river?"
2) "flomigblu" (Scrambled Tolkien person, place or thing)
3) "Yes, something of everything, Sam, except the Sea." (Who said this?)
As usual, Mail me with your answers, the 1st person to mail me all 3 correct answers, in one letter will be posted here next time! Good luck.......Gamgee