Sunday, October 22, 2000
Barlimans News

Tolkien Fun Section
Gamgee @ 14:14 PST

Hello everyone! I hope you are all ready for another edition of the Tolkien fun section! Our last winner was Francesco Amadio! Good job friend! The answers were:
1. Araval
2. Beregond
3. Galadriel
Here are the questions for today:
1) "Name the father of Earnil I."
2) "eeniwfar" (Scrambled Tolkien person, place or thing)
3) "I will, when I learn what you are fit for." (Who said this?)
As always, Mail me with your answers, the 1st person to send all 3 correct answers in one mailing will be posted here next time! Good luck.........Gamgee