Sunday, October 01, 2000
Barlimans News

Tolkien Fun Section
Gamgee @ 13:57 PST

Hello again everyone! I need to announce that the Tolkien fun section will now become a weekly feature, posted each Sunday. This way you can all know when to check here, and when to answer with some regularity. So here we go.....
Our last winner was Tracy Cooper! Good job my friend! The answers were:
1) The Black Arrow
2) Hornblower
3) Frodo
Here are the questions for today:
1) "What was the name of the hobbit-dance that a couple vigorously performed on the table at Bilbo's birthday party?"
2) "haacrsdar" (scrambled Tolkien person, place or thing....try FotR)
3) "What is that other river we can see far away there?" (Who said this?....Take a look in Fellowship for this one.)
As usual, Mail me with your answers, the 1st person to mail me all 3 correct answers in one mailing, will be posted here next time! Good Luck.........Gamgee