Tuesday, July 11, 2000
Barlimans News

Tolkien Fun Section
Gamgee @ 20:19 PST

Hello again Ringers! Welcome to Gamgee's Tolkien Fun Section. Our winner this time was Bill Danchus! Good job Bill! The answers were:
1) 3 times
2) Olorin
3) Gollum
Here are the questions for today:
1) What was the answer to the fourth ridle in Gollum and Bilbo's riddle game?
2) "gluinaotn" (Scrambled Tolkien person, place or thing)
3) "We have a very great store long prepared" (Who said this?)
As usual, Mail me with your answers, the 1st person to send all 3 correct answers in one mailing will be posted here next time! Good luck........Gamgee