Sunday, March 12, 2000
Barlimans News

Tolkien fun section
Gamgee @ 13:23 PST

Hello again all! Gamgee here,with another attempt at keeping Tolkien fans entertained. Our winner yesterday was Ecthelion! Good Job Ecthelion!!!! the answers were 1) Loende 2) Carn Dum 3) Gandalf, reading out of the log of Moria, a passage written by Ori. Here are today's stumpers:
1) "Name all of Samwise's children"
2) "ublerehit" (scrambled Tolkien person, place, or thing)
3) "Maybe, but let him not vow to walk in the dark, who has not seen the nightfall." (Who said this?)
As usual, e-mail me with your answers, the 1st person to send me all 3 correct answers in one letter, will be posted here tomorrow! Good Luck!