
New Location!
Tehanu @ 5:11 am EST
Not far from the old Rivendell set is Kaitoke, and a local gave us this report from there:

Hi there Tehanu

It is the Upper Hutt Local here. Here I was taking the dogs for a walk in the Kaitoke Regional Park, north of Upper Hutt, when I stumbled upon one of those Lord Of The Rings Sets you lot go on about. Now I felt in a good mood, so I thought to myself "well I might just do a good deed today and let those crazy Lord Of The Rings fans in on this."

Well they have got their Jamb signs up at the Te Marua turn off, which is just past the speed-way. So I drove my clapped out old ute down the park road. I came to a gravel road leading down to the river. They had their cones up, and a movie crew sign. Now I was a bit wary of going down there, cause I have heard they can get a bit rough with the locals. So I headed on past and drove on up the road a little ways. I tell the dogs to shut up and head on down the bank, sneaking up the river in the bushes. I put the muzzles on the dogs cause I don't want them attacking the movie people.

Trucks were arriving and parking up down by the river. I spotted a bus and some of those big movie star trailer type of things. A big truck arrived with some kind of portable hot showers on it. Well that's what it said on the side folks.

There was some of those security type dudes hanging about. One was smoking. I hope he don't set fire to the bush, should be alright we've had a bit of rain. I spot some kind of movie lights positioned by the bank. Yep looks like they are just setting up folks. Suppose it won't be long before the rest of you lot are down here to have a look. Well that's all folks.
