News for Dec. 26, 2005

Production Diaries Inspire

12/26/05, 12:07 pm EST - Xoanon

Happy post-Christmas day! I woke up this morning in what is traditionally called 'Boxing Day' here in Canada to find this wonderful email in my inbox. Seems Kong's influence has gone full circle. See if you can follow me around this one; PJ watches Kong, PJ wants to make movies, PJ makes zombie movie, PJ makes LOTR, PJ inspires young Emily Hagins, Emily Hagins makes zombie movie. Read this!

Mom Megan Hagins writes:

"I got the production diaries for myself for Christmas and even though I watched a lot of them on the 'net, I really am thrilled with this set. It is wonderfully packaged and a lot of fun. Now I have them to watch anytime I want plus all the cool stuff that came with it. I love the whole package and it was really, really worth the price-- don't let anyone tell you it is bogus to sell what you can get on the 'net for free. You guys did a great job. My whole family is so happy that we have this for our collection. (My daughter is an aspiring filmmaker who was inspired to make movies after she saw the Fellowship of the Ring-check out her website, if you get a chance"

I *love* how the KongisKing production diaries have helped young filmmakers around the world learn how to put a film together, even if they have ZERO budget. Check out young Emily's trailer for her first film Pathogen. Good luck Emily!

Order Peter Jackson's Production Diaries on Amazon Today!