News for Sep. 22, 1999

Enough of all this Sad Stuff! Contest Galore!

9/22/99, 11:07 am EST - Xoanon Contest Galore!

In the true nature of all Hobbits we here at are giving away presents on a birthday! We are very happy to announce 3 big contests with amazing cool prizes!

Stay tuned later today for a link to the contest page. But for now, check out the prizes we have for you!

5 Posters

Donated by

1 - Frodo and Sam with Gandalf and his HUGE sword
2 - Gandalf Frodo and Sam (Led Zep inspired)
3 - A collage of images from Tolkien (70's style)

Additionally we have two Houghton Mifflin promotional posters entitled

'J.R.R. Tolkien Countdown to the Millenium'

5 Books

Donated by Houghton Mifflin, The american distributor of Tolkien's work.

1 - Lord of the Rings One Volume Edition in tradepaper ISBN: 0-395-97468-2
1 - The Hobbit tradepaper with new art cover ISBN: 0-618-00221-9
1 - The Fellowship of the Ring tradepaper new art cover ISBN: 0-618-00222-7
1 - The Two Towers tradepaper new art cover ISDN: 0-618-00223-5
1 - Roverandom tradepaper mangled cover ISBN: 0-395-96799-0

10 Action Figures

Donated by ToyVault (

2 Gandalf In Hobbiton
2 Forest Balrogs
2 Frodo Of the Shire
2 Ugluk in His Cave and
1 Gollum
1 Gimli