News for Oct. 15, 2007

John Howe's Journal: Paint Your Dragon

10/15/07, 7:56 pm EST - Xoanon

John Howe's Journal: A Few Words, A Few Pictures With kind permission John Howe has allowed us to re-print his newsletter entries as they are released. Take a look at the latest edition! Paint Your Dragon (Or Of The Topography of Tesseracts and the Ineffable Benefits of Entasis): I spend a fair bit of time pondering the imponderables (that's why it takes time) of fantasy imagery. Fantasy imagery has been happening for a long time. In fact no culture, ever, has created ONLY realistic, down-to-earth, day-to-day and otherwise familiar imagery. Everything we set our eyes upon is deified, vilifeid, praised or ridiculed, or, with surprising regularity, sublimated by our desires and aspirations. Hence our dawning century of fantasy art, with little fantasy artists scattered the world over, who peer into looking glasses darkly Alice-fashion, hoping for a glimpse of the invisible, a hint of the ineffable, in the hopes of transcribing the sparkle of that particular glamour on paper/canvas/screen.

John Howe's Journal: Paint Your Dragon