News for Oct. 11, 2005

Ontario Joins Investors in a Musical of the 'Rings'

10/11/05, 7:12 pm EST - Xoanon

TORONTO - When the stage version of J. R. R. Tolkien's "Lord of the Rings" opens here next spring, the show is expected to feature about 18 songs, a cast of 55 and about 12 million investors. Literally. That's because, in an act of unprecedented governmental showmanship, Ontario's officials - on behalf of their 12 million citizens - have signed on as investors for the show, which is expected to be one of the most expensive ever. Taking on a role traditionally played by impresarios, idealists and other theatrical gamblers, the provincial government will contribute some $2.5 million of the show's $23 million budget, betting that the production's global appeal will justify a unique, and risky, public-private partnership. [More]