News for Sep. 03, 2005

Elijah Wood: Kicking the hobbit

9/03/05, 11:04 am EST - Xoanon

After 'Lord of the Rings', Elijah Wood could have taken the starry Hollywood route. But not this blue-eyed boy. He tells Craig McLean about his plans to launch a radio station, set up a record label, produce films... and even find time for some acting. Deploying his best vernacular British English, and puffing animatedly on one of his funny clove cigarettes, Elijah Wood pronounces himself "gutted". He's just found out that the happening (but still fairly underground) Glasgow band Sons & Daughters are playing a semi-secret show in Edinburgh at 7pm. "And I have to go to a premiere at 7.30," he grumbles, good naturedly. [More]